Hey bloggers can you guess the one that is mine it is pretty hard to guess which one is mine, if you can guess the right picture l will leave you a comment on your blog.
I am loving music from the band Little Mix. They are diverse and I enjoy there fun and creative music. In the band there are four ladies and they became a group in 2011.
Top five on my playlist are -
1. Black magic
2. Power
3. Woman like me
4. Work from home
5. Hair
P.S If you have time, watch a song from my playlist above.
A night before I write down in my note book what I have planned for the next day. That includes, daily chores, online learning, epic reading, xtra maths and more. On a sunny day me, my mum and little sister go for a walk around Keith Hay Park. Stay safe eveyone.💚
In Cybersmart we were learning about what to post on our blog proflie.It is smart to share our learning our and strength and goals.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Malo le lei, my name is Mmily Fa'anunu and i'm 8 years old. l am the eldest of 3 sisters. l attend Hay Park School and l am a year 4 student. I am Tongan, Cook Island and Niuean.
One day I would love to travel to Los Angeles and see famous Tik Tok dancers.